Re: Explain the ending of Deepness

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Fri Dec 06 2002 - 10:29:44 MST

> Or even better, had given a day by day account as it was happening
> of how the genius Spider Sherkaner slowly figured it all out. I
> felt cheated. (Of course, I'm not really entitled to feel cheated
> since (1) the rest of the book was so brilliant (2) the author is
> not really under any obligation to suit the readers.)

Since when is an author not "obligated to suit readers"? They
are under a most important obligation: capitalism. If they don't
suit the readers enough, they won't buy his next book. Of course,
I agree that the rest of "deepness" was brilliant enough that I
would buy Vinge's next (and in fact I did buy the collection with
"Fast Times", in hardback even), but I too would have preferred
things a little more clear.

Of course, being fiction, one is also free to fill in the gaps
oneself, but it's always nice to have some glimpse of the author's
original thoughts.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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