Re: The Law is a Ass, was Re: RE: "...wir nichts wissen koennen."

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Fri Dec 06 2002 - 11:00:17 MST

2002-12-06 08:01:53, wrote:
>Superiors are called to account for not staying on top of their subordinates
>conduct all the time. I know of no managerial theory that exemps a managers
>responsibility for their subordinates on the basis of ignorance.
>Ron h.

I was not talking about theory. I know that superiors are also *not* called to account "all the time"; far
from it. There is also a spectrum of being called to account: "this will affect your chances of promotion"
versus "pack your things, you're fired" versus getting indicted by a grand jury versus capital sentencing.

I know of more than one politician and bureaucrat has been qoted as saying "I accept full responsibility"
and only got an ass-chewing from their boss or the media. It's a noise made with the mouth and a sad face
pulled for the camera, and back to business as usual.

The theories of insincerity and immunity appear to be in good working order. Not bellyaching, just saying.

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