FWD [forteana] How egg-beater at sea could end drought and war

From: Terry W. Colvin (fortean1@mindspring.com)
Date: Tue Dec 03 2002 - 12:11:44 MST

The Times

 How egg-beater at sea could end drought and war

 By Anthony Browne, Environment Editor
 FIRST, people danced in circles, then meteorologists tried sprinkling crystals
 in the clouds. Now one of Britain’s leading inventors has been given a
 government grant to develop the world’s first rainmaker machine. Professor
 Stephen Salter, the Edinburgh University engineer renowned for “Salter’s
 ducks” which made energy out of waves, believes that his wind-driven cloud
 maker could finally give man control over the weather and bring agriculture to
 the deserts. Done on a large enough scale, he claims, it could reverse the
 advance of deserts, stop sea levels rising and end the Middle East conflict.
 The rainmaker uses wind power to drive a 200ft high turbine that sucks water
 out of the sea, and turns it into water vapour through nozzles, spraying it
 out into the atmosphere, creating clouds. Professor Salter, 62, dismisses the
 incredulity of many colleagues. “They said you couldn’t make ships out of
 steel. They said Marconi’s radio waves couldn’t broadcast beyond the horizon.
 The Establishment is almost always wrong,” he said.
 He has persuaded the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council to
 take his idea seriously enough to award a £105,000 development grant.
 The rain makers, described as looking like giant egg-beaters, would be based
 on catamarans and placed off the coast of desert land. They could be placed
 where they were most needed, depending on the weather patterns.
 They would not work in areas that were too dry because the artificial clouds
 would never generate the critical mass needed. They would be used in areas
 where there were already some clouds but not enough to produce rain.
 The machine uses an existing design known as a Darius turbine, a vertical axis
 turbine that spins around driven by the wind. The turbine blades have water
 pipes inside them, with an inlet just below the surface of the sea. The
 centrifugal force of the spinning blades sucks the water out of the sea and
 propels it nearly 200ft up inside the blades. It is then forced out of
 nozzles, creating a spray that turns to vapour. The salt from the sea water
 crystallises out and falls back to the sea.
 The professor calculates that the machine would produce a cubic metre of water
 for one fifth of a US cent, one thousandth the cost of water produced by
 electrical desalination of sea water.
 Israel is dependent on the West Bank occupation, he says, because it provides
 40 per cent of its water. The rain maker could end that dependency and help to
 end the conflict. He also calculates that if hundreds of thousands of machines
 were used for many years they would transfer so much water from the sea to the
 land that they would reduce sea levels by up to 3ft, reversing the rising
 levels caused by global warming.
 “Salter’s ducks”, which bob up and down on the sea producing electricity from
 waves, generated huge public interest in the 1970s but were killed off when
 the Government pursued nuclear power. Professor Salter realises his new
 invention may also come to nothing, but insists it is worth a try.

Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < fortean1@mindspring.com >
     Alternate: < fortean1@msn.com >
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