Re: never a day passes (death penalty)

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 15:17:23 MST

--- Randall Randall <> wrote:
> I am willing to accept capital punishment in a legal system as a
> second-best effort, if and only if there is a mandatory execution
> of executioners who
> are found to have killed an innocent person (presumably because the
> legal system screwed up).

Anyone who executes a convicted murderer is defending themselves as
well as the rest of society. Just as it doesn't matter if a gun toting
theif didn't intend to kill me when I blow him away, I am still legally
justified in defending myself because it was my perception at the time
that I was in danger, that the perp intended to kill me, or someone
else. Justified homicide is the worse that I or the executor can be
guilty of.

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