Re: USA more popular than ever in Britain

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Sun Dec 01 2002 - 20:06:46 MST

On Sunday, December 01, 2002 8:01 PM Ron h. wrote:
>> Yeah, consider Americans who don't like the US government...
> Yeah, they are called Democrats in the US and they
> openly advocate the over throw (by election) of the
> present US government. <G> It hasn't been that
> long since I too was a member of a rebellious US
> political party.

Huh? Americans who don't like the [current] US government include many
who are far from Democrats, including many paleoconservatives (the Old
Right types, such as Thomas Fleming, Patrick Buchanan, and Joseph
Sobran), libertarians (e.g., George H. Smith, Murray Rothbard, me),
Objectivists (e.g., me:), and various other groups and individuals.
(I've never been a Democrat or even a Leftist.:)

Also, I see a large amount of continuity between the current political
rulers in the US and the previous ones. Surely, not everything is the
same between the administrations of G. H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and G.
W. Bush, but the similarities are striking. (Talk about the country
moving to the Right is mostly rhetoric and due partly to the fact that
many on the so called Right have actually moved Leftward or are even
just ex-Leftists.)

Happy Holidays!


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