Re: USA more popular than ever in Britain

Date: Sun Dec 01 2002 - 14:40:31 MST

Ron h commented:
       I have been reading, off and on, for some times about reports coming
out of Britain that say we, the Americans, are well liked by the folks in the

street but heartily disliked by the "Chattering Classes."
  Heck, we are even disliked heartily by the chattering classes in our
own country.
       It appears you are adding support to that viewpoint.
Ron h.>>

Its what I term B.O.E. not based on experience, but Based On Envy.
Generally, the types like Graham Greene and his Quiet American novel
illustrate this the best. The shock of the UK intelligensia, when they
realized, these people (Americans) weren't all morons who lucked-out by
having natural resources located under the land that had borne them; but, on
occasion, were as intelligent and talented and mannipulative as their fellows
who attended Ox-bridge.

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