Re: Two Insights Regarding Opinions of the United Nations and United States

From: Hubert Mania (
Date: Thu Nov 28 2002 - 12:58:12 MST

Brett Paatsch wrote:

> > If the US (in my view partly because it is seeped in
> > the traditions of Europe and the Enlightenment, partly
> > because it is an economic and military power and
> > largely because I have a lot of respect for its system
> > of government, its constitution and its Bill of Rights),
> > is to be the seed crystal for the next step in civilization
> > I wonder how well US citizens would take to the
> > notion (hypothetically) of other soverign nations
> > (lets say New Zealand to keep the passions down)
> > wanting to Federate with the US and become another
> > couple of States (the North and South Islands of New
> > Zealand say). Apologies to any incensed Kiwis reading
> > this. They are already nervous that some see sense
> > in Federating NZ with Oz).

Germany could take over New Zealand, if you wouldn't mind. Our constitution
is the most modern in the world (1948) and we don't have death penalty. Many
important Enlightenment writers originated here, we got some fairly decent
music tradition, too. And what the military power is concerned what seems to
be an important point according to your mail, I guess we might arrange
something powerful enough to protect your beautiful little neighbour island
properly.Of course we could take over Australia, too. No problem.

I don't think Chancellor Schroeder had any objections. It's getting boring
lately with our colonies Mallorca and Southern Spain. New Zealand might be
the thrill we always waited for. Welcome as the 19th Federal State of
Germany (with Mallorca being 17th and Andalusia 18th).

Hubert Mania, Department of Colony Acquisition, Berlin

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