Fw: TFT vs EFAE (was Re: A Little International Game Theory)

From: Brett Paatsch (paatschb@ocean.com.au)
Date: Thu Nov 28 2002 - 07:08:23 MST

Botched my A B C's
> Considering the section of the bible also include life for life
> then clearly you are not talking of only two parties anymore
> as the first one defected against is hardly in a position to
> personally execute payback.
> This is where the excessive retaliating comes in I think. A
> kills B and C (B's brother avenges A), then D (A's son) kills
> D etc and pretty soon a whole lot of people are dead.

Should read

A kills B
C (B's brother take revenge on A), then
D (A's son) kills C.

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