Re: never a day passes (death penalty)

From: John K Clark (
Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 22:29:25 MST

"Alex Ramonsky" <> Wrote:

> If you think all murderers are
> psychiatrically disturbed (and some people would say that to
> deliberately use physical violence at all without provocation betrays
> mental illness) then is it fair to execute?

I disagree with the idea that the death penalty should be abolished but I
respect it, reasonable people can disagree in this matter; but the concept
that mental illness is a defense is utterly idiotic. It's because people
were taught they have some murky attribute called "free will", an idea so
bad it's not even wrong.

> executing the 'bad' or the 'mad', and removing those genes from the gene
> pool, quite deliberately and with premeditation. It's a heavy concept.

Oh my, it would really break my heart if Jeffrey Dahmer couldn't pass his
cannibal genes into future generations, we want to make sure they like the
taste of human flesh.

> I'd be interested to know how a convicted killer can kill again, as I
> thought 'convicted' implied you were a convict, ie in prison?

They're released they escape and they kill in prison, the problem does not
go away until they assume room temperature.

        John K Clark

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