Re: botched diplomacy

Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 13:58:53 MST

From: (Hubert Mania)

>Strength of character...Keep on showing pride and cowboy mentality.<

Cup half empty Hubert? Afraid of a little inordinate self-esteem? While
the current "American Pride" thing is embarrassing, this is not what I
referred to. I am referring to the sense of will and freedom that braved a
certain type of people, the same people who fought around the world - even
in your part of the world.

Wouldn't it be more productive to consider what America was based on, the
founding fathers? Or, are we now going to turn over every stone, not just
in the US, but in Australia, Germany, Austria, England, Africa, etc. to
find all the bad things that were done to hurt and abuse society? If this
is what you want, then tell me where you are from and I can surely find
horrors on equal footing with what you pull out of America's closet.

I am from Colorado and I do have boots.

Citizen of the Future, not any one particular slice of turf.

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