Re: never a day passes (death penalty)

From: Alfio Puglisi (
Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 03:20:06 MST

On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, John K Clark wrote:

>As for me quite a number of days has passed since the thought of hugging
>a murderer has entered my consciousness, forgiving these sadistic beasts
>is just not very high on my to do list. And I sincerely believe that a 6
>or 7 thousand volts at 5 or 6 amps will dramatically improve a child
>murderer's personality in just a few minutes, after all zero is larger
>than a negative number.
>"Alex Ramonsky" <> wrote:
>>if you execute them, then you find out twenty years later the guy you
>>killed was in fact innocent, what do you do then?
>That's easy, you do nothing as nothing can be done.

Those two statements do not match. One must take responsability for his


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