Re: Movies (was: throw out your DVD player - it's obsolete)

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 03:02:33 MST

On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, John K Clark wrote:

> I disagree. Digital copying is certainly harming the music business

Music business is currently doing very nicely, given the current economy
and the high-price trap they sprung for themselves (I stopped buying CDs
when they went to $15-$20). Online P2P is definitely a major step forward
for the individual artists.

Middlemen? Screw them. Here's a group which has mistreated both the artist
and the customer. Few will shed tears as they burn.

> and it's only a matter of time before the same thing happens to
> movies. I'm not advocating trying to prevent people from doing this,

By traffic volume movie P2P already eclipses any other traffic. Networking
hardware is cheap, and as long traffic mostly stays on the same network or
a network covered by mutual peering arrangements that should not be a big

> I'm just wondering what the future will look like.

Less big commerce, hopefully. Hollywood & Co should take a big hit.

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