Re: REALITY CHECK [was: Absolute Right and Wrong]

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Nov 24 2002 - 20:27:10 MST

Robert J. Bradbury wrote:

>In all of the cases I cite above the people obviously view mahem and
>"murder" as potentially being "right".
>The U.N. and the U.S. seem to be embarked on a course that may kill
>thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people -- we can contrast
>that "action" with inaction that is/will cause as many or more deaths
>in Bangladesh due to arsenic poisoning. And let us not delve into
>the African AIDS crisis with tens of millions waiting for the axe
>to fall.
>So extropes -- how can you justify these nice la-de-da philosophical
>discussions while the bodies are piled higher and higher around
>us each day? (This isn't directed at any recent ExI list conversants
>specifically -- it is intended largely as a rhetorical question).
>Somedays I just wonder (a lot) about the gap between "our" reality
>and that which pervades much of the world.
<APPLAUSE> Me too! Sometimes it looks a bit like various kinds of
intellectual fiddling while "Rome" burns.

- samantha

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