Re: ANTIOPTIMISM: Pakistan and North Korea

Date: Sun Nov 24 2002 - 19:31:57 MST

Anders noted:
<<If Paris were to be nuked tomorrow, European governments would likely
scramble to smash whoever did it. But it is not obvious if they would do
it together or in sync with the US.

All in all, it shows the cost of not relying even on smaller allies.
People often do stupid things to prove their independence; governments
often go much further. >>

Perhaps we need to ask WWSIAID? "what would Super Intelligent Artificial
Intelligence Do? The answer is we don't know, not being superbeings. We can,
however, strengthen our own economic and political structure to better
withstand a WMD assault. What happens if Stockholm is destroyed? Where and
who will automatically take over, after such an event. Can we assign a
committee to run things for 10 months while parties and the remaining
electorate get organized? Another action would be have small-scale power
generators available as well as water and sewage purification systems at hand
when the trigger is pulled.

Ultimately though, the USA, Sweden, or the Netherlands cannot "harden"
themselves enough to be "bullet proof". This is where the USA or anyone else
needs to put on fangs and claws and horns and go fight the jihadi on their
own soil (waiting for boos and hisses on this one!). As cold-blooded as this
is, once enough bad guys are dead or disheartend to make another attack, we
have won...for a while. That "while" that I mention is likely enough for
people to build and continue their life's works. This seems to be how nature
is. I don't have to like this, just realize it.

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