Re: Bill Gates and the essential un-humanistic nature of capitalism

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Nov 18 2002 - 13:59:29 MST

> (Technotranscendence <>):
> I posted this yesterday morning, but no one responded to it, so I'm
> posting it again:
> Do [any of] you believe that the only or important value of a company is
> its technological innovations? (I would use value here to be economic
> value, but it can also mean personal value.)
> Your answer to this has important implications for judging Microsoft and
> other IT companies.

Well of course not. Companies that produce no goods or services
whatsoever, like arbitrage firms or currency traders or day traders,
are nonetheless valuable contributors to the economy, and every
penny they make is well earned.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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