RE: Replies to Ron h and John Clark regarding the nature of socialism, capita...

From: Reason (
Date: Mon Nov 18 2002 - 08:55:59 MST

--> Max M

> Reason wrote:
> > If it doesn't work, someone would suggest something better. Everyone
> > who would get a tangible benefit would start using the better system
> > -- that's how things work when you are free to make your own choices.
> > The only time this won't happen is if people are not free to use the
> > better system.
> This is circular reasoning.
> Libertarianism will be a better system because it is a better system.
> What if a libertarian society turns out not to be good enough to create
> a stable and humane system? How do we opt out in case of failure?
> My problem is that I don't trust the mechanism in a Libertarian society,
> which should keep the system stable, to be strong enough.

I wasn't actually specifying a Libertarian system in that paragraph
(although I was in the prior one, so I can see how you would think it was
implied). Any system in which people are free to make and implement choices
works as above; change at any time. One of the reasons, I think, that we
don't have a libertarian system is that it's far easier to leave one than to
enter one once you're under the bootheel.

In terms of opting out of a libertarian system: easily done. Just let a
group take over. There's no end of people who would love to become your
ruling party and tell you how to live your life, alas.


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