Re: fruits of Bill Gates labor worth $50 billion

From: Max M (
Date: Mon Nov 18 2002 - 08:45:20 MST

Eugen Leitl wrote:

> Redmond has turned the clocks in the computer industry way back, and
> is still going strong. The combined impact of IBM, Intel and Microsoft
> on the nascent PC landscape has been a lot like nuking it to
> radioactive glass.

However much I agree with you, I think it is difficult to judge somebody
from how things would have gone if they had not been around.

What I AM shure of though, is that if I at some time get to upload my
mind to a computer, I would hate it to be on an operating system from

And as more and more of society is modelled and/or "uploaded" to a
computer, I find it very disturbing that much of it is onto MS software.

I find it to be a little like trusting your corpse to a cryogenic
service run by the Siberian Russian mafia.

So if I can say allready now that I don't want my vital systems to be
run on a proprietary system I should make shure allready now, that there
is an alternative.

regards Max m Rqasmussen, Denmark

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