Ways to resist getting sick... (Was: Re: Libertarianism and antibiotics)

From: John Grigg (starman2100@lycos.com)
Date: Tue Nov 12 2002 - 17:53:25 MST

Emlyn wrote:
Does anyone have any good ideas about how not to catch the latest

I would recommend the following...

1. Get enough sleep!

2. Do not touch your face(especially mouth and mucous membrane areas) until you have washed your hands first. Generally wash your hands whenever you come home and/or have been in a public place.

3. Take an assortment of vitamin and mineral supplements. I would recommend to you CORAL calcium which is the new big thing(this can be both good and bad). Supposedly it greatly boosts the immune system and slows aging. We shall see.

4. Eat enough fruits and vegetables.

5. Try not to be burdened by excessive stress(easier said than done!).

6. Supposedly regular sex is good for the immune system. And if I remember you are a married man...

7. Exercise and try to be physically fit. As I understand it though, too much exercise and "over-fitness" can actually weaken the immune system somewhat. I think only the most zealous athletes are in danger of this.

8. Quarantine your wife and kids when they get sick in a holding facility you need to build inside your home! Keep them there for weeks if need be. Maybe this is not such a good idea...

I think some people just are lucky to have better immune systems than others. But I would think there are things we can do to improve the odds of resisting illness. I look forward to others jumping in here and giving there own pointers.

best wishes,

(A guy who no longer has the time to be sick)

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