Re: extropians-digest V7 #304

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Nov 12 2002 - 13:36:24 MST

--- Technotranscendence <> wrote:
> On Sunday, November 10, 2002 5:51 PM Mike Lorrey
> wrote:
> > On the contrary, there is. Prices need to be set by some
> > means. If the free market is not to do it (as you have said
> > free markets are opressive), then some authority must
> > set prices. Your lack of appreciation for such a simple
> > economic mechanism illustrates why your opinions on
> > this matter seem to be less and less those of an informed
> > individual.
> I don't want to trade insults here, but I would like to reiterate the
> prices on a free market are not really set by any one person or group
> by by the interactions of various people and groups.

Of course. I did not direct my insult at you, but at Mr. Sheppard
(unless he is you).....

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