Re: FERMI: The Silent Universe Explained?

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Tue Nov 05 2002 - 14:39:10 MST

On Tuesday, November 05, 2002 3:48 PM gts wrote:
> Hey, wait, there are some people around here who think ideas from
> science fiction are more likely to be true than not! "If you don't
> believe me," they say, "then apparently you're just not reading
> enough
> science fiction!" (I'm not one of those people. :-)

This is true.

> What might be the purpose of cleansing the universe
> of intelligent life?

I wasn't positing a purpose for doing this. Imagine doing action X
would do this. A civilization could do X by accident -- or do something
that leads to X by accident.

Also, there could be individuals or groups that would want to do this
for reasons you and I might not agree with.


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