Re: Socialism, again

Date: Sat Nov 02 2002 - 07:57:30 MST

  • Next message: Robert J. Bradbury: "Re: Interview with Frank J. Tipler"

    In a message dated 11/2/2002 8:43:05 AM Central Standard Time, writes: Actually, I don't believe that any of us
    are particularlly interested in being socialists. I, at least, just want to
    know what I should be talking about.

           Okay, It seems to me that what I want is the ability to make my own
    living and the maximum degree of personal freedom that is possible.
           Having a government to take care of us is a misnomer at least.
    Through taxes, military service, etc we the citizenry take care of
    governments. We are approaching the singularity. The government isn't
    anticipating the singularity. The government, or more precisely the
    politicians, are busy buying votes to improve the size of their multi-million
    dollar retirement fund, to increase the perks of their offices and to
    insulate themselves from being thrown out of office by a challenger. If the
    government is socialist or communist they are going after the same goals by
    other means.
           So what is the solution? Well, what is the opposite of what I have
    just described? If you pass a law you only get more control by government
    which means more control by politicians. If you decrease the law and the
    power of the politician you have more freedom. Unfortunately you need some
    minimum government which means that as citizens we have to step up and
    exercise our responsibility to monitor our government.
    Questions? Comments? Snide remarks? <G>
    Ron h.

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