Re: Latest vanity game: Googlism

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 11:26:16 MST

Lets see:

> anders sandberg is a symbiotic entity consisting of a website


> anders sandberg is into weird things and his webspace proves it

Yea, but we don't hold that against him.

> anders sandberg is an obsessive worldbuilder

Yea, but he's just copying a page from my book.

> anders sandberg is a computational neuroscientist

The sentence should end in "wannabe".

> anders sandberg is there still such a thing as the artistic avant

Hmmmm, don't they mean "savant"?

> anders sandberg is the chairman of the swedish transhumanist association

Wow, an actual factual element.

> anders sandberg is waiting

Left off "for the singularity".

> anders sandberg is a veritable netgod

Well I wouldn't go that far.

> anders sandberg is exploring in his role playing games are now refuted

His "role playing games" are refuted or his role *in* the games
is refuted?

> anders sandberg is probably the best and most complete archive available for the game

Sure, sure, he's a veritable fountain of minutia.

> anders sandberg is researching computational neuroscience at the royal institute of
> technology in stockholm

Hey, a second factual detail worthy of note.

> anders sandberg is different in several ways from common research in industrial
> sociology

I'll say.

> anders sandberg is right

Some of the time... Perhaps even most of the time. But I wouldn't state
it as a law of physics.

> anders sandberg is always good for inspiring and

Can we have an "amen" brothers and sisters?

> anders sandberg is a libertarian

Oh great, now we have to get him a bumper sticker.


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