Re: duck me!

From: John K Clark (
Date: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 11:04:20 MST

"gts" <>

>two distinct people cannot logically be one person
>regardless of their thinking about the subject.
>I consider this truth to be self-evident.

I agree but the question is, just because there are two living bodies does
that mean there are two persons? In everything in our experience up to now
the answer has always been yes there are two persons, but there is no
fundamental reason that must always be true, not if a person is the way
matter reacts when it is organized in complex ways and we get better at
organizing matter.

And speaking of self evident things, is it not self evident that you are
alive, is it not self evident that you are conscious and the person who is
conscious is gts, is it not self evident that you remember being gts
yesterday and last month and last year and last decade, is it not self
evident that gts is gts? I am certain that you believe all these things and
for the life of me I don't understand why learning you were a copy
made last night would suddenly make all your assumptions incorrect.

    John K Clark

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