Re: Socialism, again

From: Alfio Puglisi (
Date: Wed Oct 30 2002 - 02:12:19 MST

On Tue, 29 Oct 2002 wrote:

>In a message dated 10/29/2002 5:56:10 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes: "Worker control of the means of production"
>means, basically, that when the enterprise makes a profit, the workers share
>in it. Nothing more, nothing less. If you worked for a dot com and had stock
>options, you were participating in a socialist scheme. (With me so far?)
>Yes Charlie,
> I have read explanations so many times that were like yours either in
>the papers or in books and it still comes down to a process that usually
>starts as a con job to gain control and ends with a dictatorship. Germany,
>Russia, Italy, ad infinitum ad nauseum [..]

But you don't answer the question. It was something that I didn't thought
of before: does a stock options scheme a la dot com make a business kind
of socialist, or not? If yes, did it evolve in a dictatorship? (obvious
jokes about Bush deleted.. :-))

And, about the constant "Germany, Russia, Italy" that is repeated in every
post, I'm not informed enough for the first two, but Mussolini was soon
expelled from the socialist party because of his pro-war, pro-absolutist
views. He then proceeded to start his own Fascist party, with the results
that we know.


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