Socialism (was Re: extropians-digest V7 #292)

From: John K Clark (
Date: Sun Oct 27 2002 - 23:29:43 MST

"Alexander Sheppard" <> Wrote:

>What matters is that we have a concept at all
>which embodies a stateless, propertyless society.

A state has a monopoly on making laws, or at least that's what it claims, so
I'm all in favor of getting rid of the state but I don't see why you would
want that if you like socialism. If my house is bigger than your house and
my family is smaller than your family you are going to need a law saying
I must give my house to you and the enforcement power to back it up
because I certainly won't do it voluntarily.

>The reason most socialists will not acknolwedge the 200 year failed history
>of socialism (or at least, I hope they won't) is because the countries you
>are talking about were simply not socialistic.

And true Catholics don't kill Protestants and true Hindus don't kill
Buddhists and true Christians don't kill Jews and true Islam is a peaceful
religion and if you believe all that I have some swamp land I'd like to sell

   John K Clark

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