RE: Seven Levels of Identity

From: gts (
Date: Fri Oct 25 2002 - 09:09:50 MDT

Jef Allbright wrote to Lee Corbin:

> I was happy to see your posting on the Seven Levels..

I think that was an *excellent* message from you, Jef. I cannot find in
it even a single objectionable thought. We seem to be entirely on the
same page.

Comment and question to Lee:


Your paper "The Seven Levels of Identity" is I think misnamed. A better
title would be "Seven Opinions about Identity."


You write that "one is lead inexorably through countless thought
experiments to level seven." Level seven is described by you as "the
subject believes that any physical object at any coordinates whatsoever
is the same person that he or she is, provided only that the physical
process running in the object resembles him or her closely enough."

My question is this:

Given that current conceptions and emotions arise largely in response to
current perceptions, how can a person/object be identical to the subject
now if that person/object is located at distant coordinates such that he
does not share the subject's perceptions?

To put it another way...

If that guy over there who looks like Lee Corbin isn't thinking and
feeling and experiencing everything you are thinking, feeling and
experiencing, then how is that guy over there any different from your
identical twin brother?


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