Re: A reminder about the Creekside Preserve cryonics gathering

From: John Grigg (
Date: Thu Oct 24 2002 - 20:10:53 MDT

>John Grigg wrote:
>> P.S. Some extropians are seen by first generation
>cryonicists as being overly rambunctious!

Michael M. Butler replied:
>And they haven't seen us all on *MOTORCYCLES*!
It's funny you bring up motorcycles, because last week in Mayer they had a big biker's rally which was sponsored by the Harley-Davidson dealership here(yes, this tiny town has a Harley-Davidson dealership!).

I had been invited to attend by one of the promoters, but because there was so much work to do at the lodge I had to miss it. So I will have to wait another six months to see the rough-looking bikers, live bands, free food, and supposedly scantily clad women which abound!

If a band of extropian bikers pulled into our parking lot I could see my employer hitting the no vacancy switch unless Max and Natasha were in the lead! And if I see Spike in the group I will know right off we're in for trouble! lol : ) I won't even get started about the "Singularity Hardtakeoff-riders," lead by the notorious "hell for leather" Yudkowsky and his friend "Mad dog" Goetzel!

Now, should the "Extropian Angels" and the "Rifkinite Devils" both show up at the same time, I can only hope our insurance will cover the damage from the resulting rumble!!

Today David Pizer and I put up absolutely beautiful display boxes on the great room walls, which showcase different people and tools of the old west. You can learn about Geronimo, Billy the Kid, and Wyatt Earp, among others! The art combined with our stained, peeled log furniture and staircase makes the main building really feel welcoming and a place to relax.

We finally arranged the wooden tables and chairs out on the terrace, where most of our guests will be eating. This will be the place to visit for fine "western cafe" style dining. It looks wonderful!

Oh, and I almost forgot our new little pets, the rattlesnakes! But don't worry, because they are very freezedried! lol These twin predators are coiled and ready to strike on our reservations desk. They are even better than a sign which might read "don't tread on the manager in training(because he's still learning)!" LOL

My mom used to say it takes something special to make a house a home, and I feel the lodge is crossing over to the latter. Soon all we will need are guests to make the place fully come alive.

I really hope everyone who can make it here this Saturday does so. It will be worth your time, and you will return home with some great memories.

Already, many of the local townspeople have told me they feel great pride regarding this place. It makes them feel something wonderful and enriching has arrived within their little town.

best wishes,




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