Re: duck me!

From: Jef Allbright (
Date: Thu Oct 24 2002 - 10:38:36 MDT

gts wrote:
> However the problem also goes deeper than the question of absolute
> copies: it is about the continuity of the sense of self. Even
> assuming a perfect copy of me can exist, how can I be in two places
> at one time as you say is possible?
> If I am tasting wine in Napa Valley while my allegedly perfect
> duplicate is guzzling beer in Tijuana, then does my wine taste like
> beer? Or does my duplicate's beer taste like wine? Or do we both
> complain that our drinks have been adulterated with wine or beer as
> the case may be?
> The idea that a person can be in two places at one time, Lee, is to my
> way of thinking sheer and utter nonsense.

It seems to me that gts and Lee are still not connecting in the sense of
understanding what the other person is saying.


I see Lee saying that while there are two separate physical bodies (copies),
doing separate things in separate places, that it makes the most sense to
say that it is the same *person/identity* doing all these things at the same
time. It comes down to whether or not you accept this radical definition of
identity as useful.

I see gts arguing something else, that it's silly to say that the same
person can be in two places at once, and in the context that he's talking
about, of course he's right.


Right now we have a lot of discussion about the meaning of "identical" with
offshoots into quantum physics and philosophy of Identity of Indiscernibles,
which is in itself an interesting topic -- but all this debate is apart from
the concept Lee is championing.

I observe the same thing that bothered me during an earlier discussion about
altruism. I see endless debate swirling about definitions, but completely
missing the key point. I observe Lee energetically stirring the pot, and it
often seems that he is intentionally being obtuse, but perhaps this is
because he believes this is the best way for people to come to their own

It would be nice to get to the stage in the discussion where each
understands the other's viewpoint, and then move on to the more interesting
implications of various concepts of identity.

- Jef

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