Re: the brains in bahrain think mainly of hussein

From: John Grigg (
Date: Sun Oct 20 2002 - 17:26:03 MDT

Ron h. wrote:
BTW, my strongest game is Checkers. Did you ever notice that you can find
flaws in the programers game and exploit those? I once had a checker program
that I could play to a draw -- typically this was a position that repeats
over and over. The program would repeat the position a certain number of
times before making an inferior move rather than repeat again. That move to
break the repetitive cycly was invariably an inferior move.

Lol My strongest game is also Checkers! I've beaten my fair share of human players online. I was even getting kind of cocky until a person claiming to be a ninety year-old lady from Texas beat me into the ground!

The online computer opponent checkers program I was using was just too easy to beat. Is there a Deep Blue for checkers?? LOL

I suppose the multitasking necessary to play really good chess is beyond me. Or maybe I just have a lack of interest due to a cruel stepfather who in my formative years viciously beat me(at Chess) just too many times!

I've heard some people say online chess was ruined by people who would cheat and use computer programs to play for them in tournament contests. It would be interesting to have a online tourney where people are actually allowed to cheat in this way! Only later would they reveal what system they were using.

Now what did this thread have to do with Hussein? I would say he is one "chess player" who is in danger of checkmate fairly soon. Of course Bush's pieces are capable of moves Hussein could only dream about doing...

best wishes,


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