Re: If it moves, we can track it!

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Sat Oct 19 2002 - 16:25:12 MDT

On Sat, 19 Oct 2002, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:

> That's ridiculous. Camera confiscation happens in China, not here.

Your statement is ridiculous. You're not informed, nor have you attempted
to do what you describe. At the very least the tape will be confiscated.

> You can follow around a cop with a camera. There's a television show
> called "Cops" for example, they follow around cops with cameras.

I recommend you record the cop giving you the ticket with a camera. Just
try it. (I recommend it to be better a cheap camera, though).

Just try it. And then report to the list. Okay? Even better, try filming
an actual arrest of suspects.
> You can arrest them, it's called citizen's arrest. Being a cop just
> means they get to write traffic citations, and they're called upon to
> enforce laws.

Yeah, just pull a gun on an armed cop. It's really easy, and happens all
the time.
> Anyways, cops are just people wearing a uniform.

Yeah, and Godzilla is just a big lizard.

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