RE: Jaynes on Bayes' Theorem

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Tue Oct 15 2002 - 10:04:39 MDT

Eliezer writes

> There are no non-Bayesians. There are only people who understand
> how they're using Bayes' Theorem, and people who don't.

Okay, but I liked what you said last year even better:

"The non-Bayesians? I thought they were all hunted down
long ago!" (or words to that effect)


"We are all Bayesians now. (Vorlon voice)"

Well, maybe so. So chalk it up to historical antiquarianism
or love of punishment or something.

Actually I hope that you are right and we can suppress
the word Bayesian from all those phrases, such as
"Bayesian probability", etc. Jaynes, for one, began
his essay with an admonition that probability is nothing
more than common sense.


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