RE: duck me!

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 22:15:45 MDT

gts writes

> > Recall that we don't have any trouble believing that the same
> > person can be at two different times in the same place,
> Sorry but I have a problem with that, given that our true
> geography is in space-time.

Well, of course there really isn't *any* such thing as "the
same place" period. I meant, of course, the commonplace
notion familiar to people since the dawn of history: the
same place relative to the Earth.

Of course, when I also claim, "people should get used to
the idea of being in two places at the same time", a
similar objection *could* be raised. After all, we know
now that true simultaneity does not exist. But all this
is, IMHO, rather beside the point.

> > This is the key point. Call the thinker A, the duplicate B,
> > and the person that they both were yesterday C. Now A identifies
> > with C and is quick to accede "A and C are the same person".
> If so then A must be among those who went to school each morning on the
> short bus. Those of us who took the long buses can see that A's current
> personality is in part a function of his experiences that C never
> experienced.

So (just to pursue a fancy, here) you generally speaking
don't consider yourself to be the same person that you
were last week? Wow ;-) it must really be easy to get
out of promises, "*I* never said that! The previous gts
said that!" ;-)


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