Re: Bill Joy

From: FutureQ (
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 21:27:33 MDT

Olga Bourlin wrote:

> ... and Ray Kurzweil was mentioned as well. Maria seemed more enthusiastic
> about "being immortal"

Cool! Maria as an Extropian I can go for that! I'd like a chance at a dance with
her someday at the immortalist party 2150... maybe sooner.

> than Bill (which enthusiasm may have been due to
> Maria's more ebullient personality compared to Bill's). Bill gave something
> for the audience to contemplate before the commercial fadeout: (I'm
> paraphrasing) "*Imagine* you're 1000 years old ... can you *imagine* how
> many people there would be? ... Can you *imagine* ...?" (etcetera, along
> those lines).

Thanks Olga for the post. Again Joy show's his lackluster plain lack of
imagination. I can imagine more people and it's a good thing. More the marrier!


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