Bill Joy

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 20:31:23 MDT

Just watched part of a CNBC show called After Hours with Maria Bartiromo
(essentially a show about securities, with a splash of redolent news).

Guest was Bill Joy, who seemed to regret the idea of "robots" in the future
(making them sound very much like Borgs). Said robots would have no human
qualities - no joy, love, sex, etc. Joy's Wired article (from April 2000)
was mentioned:

... and Ray Kurzweil was mentioned as well. Maria seemed more enthusiastic
about "being immortal" than Bill (which enthusiasm may have been due to
Maria's more ebullient personality compared to Bill's). Bill gave something
for the audience to contemplate before the commercial fadeout: (I'm
paraphrasing) "*Imagine* you're 1000 years old ... can you *imagine* how
many people there would be? ... Can you *imagine* ...?" (etcetera, along
those lines).


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