Re: Coming Trends: Fading Extropy? (extropians-digest V7 #279)

From: FutureQ (
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 01:30:52 MDT

William wrote:

> Yesterday I read an interesting critique of Islam at
> It is written
> by an Evengelical Christian but I did check every quote he made from
> the Koran since he cited them by chapter and verse numbers. (The
> Koran is structurally organized exactly like the Bible. Yes, I bought a
> copy of the Koran.) I have read scriptures from the other major religions
> e.g. the Vedas of Hinduism and Tae-Te-Ching of Taoism and have never
> found any lines that advocate war like the Koran does. Mohammed
> was a military general and grew very wealthy and powerful. His biography
> reminds me of Gengis Khan except that Mohammed was much better at
> the rationalization of violence and thus recruiting of soldiers.

Try Howard Bloom's Lucipher Principle, chiefly the chapter on Islam's War
Against the West. See it or some of it here:

luddite+religious fanatic+violent militant=muslim

According to Bloom due to the militant teachings of the Quran, chiefly the
passages referring to not allowing an infidel to live, not even moderate muslims
can be trusted. Their apologists will say Islam teaches against violence...
unless it is jihad. The trouble is, it's far too easy to cry jihad at the drop
of a hat, for anything under the sun!

To me all religion must go. It will go two milliseconds after an augmented
populace goes online and the average human's brain power and logic acuity
increases even a little. Will we survive long enough in the face of the rise of
Islam? That is the question.


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