Re: Coming Trends: Fading Extropy?

Date: Sat Oct 12 2002 - 10:36:48 MDT

In a message dated 10/11/2002 6:45:05 PM Central Standard Time, writes: You're overreacting. You do know that the Anglican
Church is all but dead, and is considered more of a hobby church these days?

       That is an interesting theory but I believe you have to cast your net
a bit wider to get at the truth. Or at least the writers that I have been
reading seem to believe so.
       If you look in the latest, or next to latest, Atlantic Monthly you
will find a long article there about world Christianity. According to the
writer all the time you & I have been watching the Northern Hemisphere it is
the Southern Hemisphere that is growing in importance. As I understand the
writer the Southern Hemisphere will in a few decades totally dominate world
       As I am an Anglican myself I can tell you that the Southern Church
already has been influencing the American Anglican (Episcopalian) Church.
       When I read the Atlantic Monthly article I see enough other evidence
to believe the writer is on the right track although I personally would
differ with him in detail.
Ron h

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