Re: Personal Attacks (was Re: ECONOMICS: Reality bites)

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 17:28:16 MDT

--- Lee Daniel Crocker <> wrote:
> > If it were to insure Brian only, then might I suggest
> > doing so off-list? If, as I assume you mean, it was
> > meant to warn others as well, then your choice of
> > phrasing was really poor. I believe the quote started
> > as "Nobody mistakes Olga for being interested in
> > rational discussion...". Perhaps something more like
> > "It has been my experience that Olga does not partake
> > in rational debate..." (this is not an expression of
> > views but an attempt to reword) would display the same
> > sentiment but not sound so spiteful.
> Points well taken. Diplomacy is not my strong suit,
> as many here already know. I personally find such
> strained, evasive, dancing-around-the-issue talk to
> be /more/ offensive than simple direct statements of
> opinion, even harsh ones, but I suppose that's just me.

It's not just you, Lee, but then again, all libertarians are considered
rude and offensive merely for existing and having the opinions they do
(at least by the socialist-statist inclined). Since it's been
objectively proven by history that socialism is a kooky economic
system, ergo socialists are kooks for continuing to believe in a kooky
philosophy, being called a kook by a kook results in a null, and merely
makes you normal.

Another 'kooky' characteristic of libertarians (at least according to
the bleeding hearts) is that we 'refuse' to empathize with those that
we are accused of oppressing with our ideas. We don't "feel their
pain", we don't "Do it for the children"... etc etc.

> > Again, I thought nothing less of libertarians from
> > her post.
> Nor did I; many LP members are indeed kooks, and the
> party organization is corrupt. I make no attempt to
> dodge those issues, and they are important ones. My
> only objection was that this had nothing whatsoever to
> do with the post to which it was offered as a reply.

LP members who are kooks tend to be kooks for entirely different
reasons than their belief in libertarian ideas. You will find kooks
everywhere in life. The primary form of kookiness I've found in
libertarian circles is a stubborn insistence upon being logical and
rational at all times. We should have more such kookiness.

To those who are constitutionally incapable of rational and logical
reasoning, libertarians are indeed quite kooky, but then, consider the source...

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