RE: Dignity, Liberal and Conservative

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 17:08:26 MDT

--- Rafal Smigrodzki <> wrote:
> MIke Lorrey wrote:
> > All an individual needs to defend and control their own bodies and
> > lives from tyrannies of any sort (including majoritarian democratic
> > tyrannies which James seems so enamored of), is shooting iron in
> one
> > hand and encrypted packet network devices in the other.
> ### The local tyrant wouldn't even notice you had shooting iron,
> because he
> has much bigger (that's why he can afford to tyrannize). And all that
> the
> encryption would help you with, would be sending teary letters from
> jail, until the execution.
> You need much more to protect yourself. Cooperation with a lot of
> people, for starters.

Incorrect. Randy Weaver beat the government at its own game with
nothing but some high powered rifles and a good lawyer.

The tyrant can only afford to waste $x on tyrannizing each individual.
If tyrant Y spends more than x, his economy goes down the shitter and
his government collapses (i.e. USSR, 1990). X includes the life
insurance payoff, the cost of training, equipping, and supporting the
thugs that an oppressed individual winds up killing.

After WWII, an American general asked members of the former Tojo
government why they did not just invade the west coast of the US
instead of wasting so many men on complex maneuvers on so many pacific
islands. The Japanese said that they thought the idea of facing so many
armed civilians in the US made it entirely impossible and the worst
possible strategy. They had enough trouble dealing with the Hukbulahap
insurgents in the Phillipines.

One man with a gun can neutralize an entire government. Just look at
one lone nutjob running around the greater DC area is doing right now.
He has the population paralyzed and the police perplexed, paralyzed,
ineffectual and irrelevant. Imagine if there were a few thousand (out
of a population of several million) such individuals doing what he is
doing at the same time, each acting as individuals. Organized armies
used by tyrants are entirely ineffectual against such insurgencies when
the insurgents are made up of the native population.

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