Re: We are NOT our DNA

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 14:31:08 MDT

> (gts <>):
> Actually if you've ever studied the endocrine system then you know it is
> extremely complicated. The feedback loops that control hormone levels
> are very complex and still not completely understood. That information
> is however contained in our genes.

DNA may be necessary information for rebuilding that system, but it
certainly isn't sufficient information, or even close to it. DNA only
does its thing within the whole biological context that includes the
structure of the cell it's in, the environment in which the organism
developed, the DNA of all of the symbiotic and parasitic organisms that
interact with the organism in question, the environment in which it
lives, and many other things.

The tiny amount of information in DNA will be about as useful in
reconstructing an uploaded "us" as the recipe for concrete would be
in reconstructing the World Trade Center.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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