Re: The Plot (thins) - Turkey Says Seized Substance Not Uranium

From: spike66 (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 23:01:45 MDT

Dickey, Michael F wrote:
> Turkey Says Seized Substance Not Uranium
> "Scientists at Turkey's Nuclear Research and Training Center on the
> outskirts of Istanbul said on Tuesday the substance was not uranium and was
> not radioactive. "It is a powder of zinc, manganese, iron and zirconium," Guler Koksal,
> director of the research facility told Reuters. "It is not radioactive, it
> is not chemical and it is not explosive." "

It was a trick. A decoy. The smugglers sent a
decoy uranium ingot to see if it would be intercepted.
It was, while the real one got thru and is currently
in the hands of terrorists. Friends, we are hosed. spike

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