Re: BIOLOGY: race is an invalid concept

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 16:41:01 MDT

Eugen Leitl wrote:

> ...
>I think we can safely discount the nutritional hypothesis at this day and
>age. The only place this could happen is hardcore vegan kids....
The world is more diverse than you are imagining. And it isn't all to
the good. Many children don't leave home either with, or having had,
any food. And not through choice. Frequently their parents get home
from work well after dark, and leave for work long before light. And
they still barely earn enough to pay the rent on the apartment that they
share with two or three other families. Denial of physical reality is
not a useful approach. (Many are worse off than that, but I don't
personally know any of those people, so I can't speak of their situation.)

-- Charles Hixson
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