Re: Oppression was RE: BIOLOGY: race is an invalid concept

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 16:46:17 MDT

Rafal Smigrodzki wrote:

> ...
>"people who have been .... oppressed by the lack of government"
>It's so surreal. Dan, are you reading this? It's not the government that
>oppresses people, as those dumb anarchos claim, no, it's the absence of
>government that's oppressive.
Well, when the government, which empowers the corporations, doesn't
enforce it's own rules limiting the corporations oppressing the people,
then the people are being oppressed by the lack of government. True,
the government caused the problem in the first place, but that doesn't
affect the point. Competing gangs of hoodlums are also worse than most
governments. And consider Cambodia during the Pot Pol era. I don't
know just how you want to classify that, but the people were certainly
being oppressed by "no government". One of the reasons for preferring

-- Charles Hixson
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The best is yet to be.

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