Re: The Plot Thickens

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Mon Sep 30 2002 - 16:53:37 MDT

On Monday, September 30, 2002, at 02:41 PM, Mike Lorrey wrote:

> --- "Ross A. Finlayson" <> wrote:
>> I'm not an expert on Iraq, but I'm pretty sure that after the actual
>> Gulf War Hussein had no further plans to invade other countries in
>> the Middle East, nor to support violence against the American people.
>> That is to say, Iraq is not a threat comparable to economic failure.
>> They're interested in making a buck and having a decent life and not
>> interested in killing women at the World Trade Center.
> Oddly enough, you are wrong. Shortly after GHWB (#41) got voted out of
> office, Saddam sent an assasination team across the Canadian border in
> order to have him assasinated. If you were paying attention to the news
> at this point, you'd recall a press conference by Clinton detailing
> this fact.

I actually didn't hear about that. I heard about it this year. Did he
come under fire? How were they caught?

When Reagan sent F-111s to bomb Khadafi in Libya, Khadafi got an advacen
word to move, his daughter was killed.

How many assassination attempts have gone off against Hussein?

Heh, "Papa Doc" Duvalier.

>> Whoever was behind the World Trade Center attacks, regardless of them
>> and who they were, the administration has readily changed its course
>> to politically utilize the aftermath of those attacks to further its
>> ends, which are not the end-all be-all of protecting the U.S.A.
> Oddly enough, you are wrong again. If you'd read Lorie McElroy's latest
> book, you'd see that there is ample evidence that Mohammed Atta
> received significant intelligence support from Saddam's regieme, and
> traveled to Iraq in this capacity, as well as meeting with a known
> Iraqi intelligence operative in Prague, as the Czech intel service has
> repeatedly stated to the deaf ears of european media.

I read more evidence that it was CIA. The Pakistani intelligence
service, presumably under the direction or with the knowledge of its
unelected military dictator Pervez Musharraf, actually wired Atta a
hundred thousand dollars, according to reports. I heard Atta meet with
some Iraqis in Czechoslovakia.

Hey, if there are no flight recordings and all, how do we know the
hijackers used boxcutters?

> The same people who marched against our actions in Gulf War I, and have
> subsequently been proven incredibly wrong, stupid, short sighted,
> cowardly, ill-informed, and willfully used by enemies of the US in that
> regard, are taking up the banners again for the same forces of
> international ignorance and luddism.
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You're what?

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