asimov jr.

From: spike66 (
Date: Sun Sep 22 2002 - 16:14:47 MDT

Damien Broderick wrote:

> ...consider the relationship between Isaac Asimov and his son
> David (who?), who received in his dear old brilliant Dad's autobiography as
> distressing a public annihilation as I've ever seen. > Damien Broderick

Yes, and what was that about? I have great
admiration for Asimov in many ways, but his
mentioning his children in print as he does
goes beyond bad taste. Everything he ever
says about his daughter is good and wonderful,
but everything about his son is negative. The
poor Asimov Jr. hasnt a chance, with his famous
father running him down at every opportunity.
He would need to change his last name just to
get someone to wait on him at the local burger

Does anyone know Asimov family enough to offer
an insight into IA's scandalous behavior? spike

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