Re: A New Roman Empire?

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sun Sep 22 2002 - 10:04:14 MDT

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002, Charlie Stross wrote:

> [snip] I'd like to add (c) --
> while the USA isn't as bad as some other possible hegemonists, let's
> not forget that this whole idea has been floated by the conservative
> right and is seen as a way of propagating conservative social values.
> These social values are, I feel safe in asserting, not extropian-friendly.

Neither was the Taliban that the Clinton administration tolerated for
many years. Also a nuclear weapon being exploded in the harbor of NY
city is pretty unfriendly.

> Look for little things like global bans on stem sell research, a big
> down on anti-aging research -- because if you don't die, how does Jeezus
> get to judge you? -- and so on.

It is rather unfortunate that the U.S. is stuck with essentially
a 2 party system that requires that the issues of defense and taxes
(where I tend to agree with the Republicans) to be lumped in with
things like abortion, stem cells and environmental issues (where
I tend to disagree with the Republicans). A multi-party system
like Israel or Germany might make it much easier to get a
coalition of forces that is more extropic.


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