Re: FTL influences (was RE: Physics and Interpretations)

From: John K Clark (
Date: Sun Sep 22 2002 - 09:19:06 MDT

>There are an infinite number of angles I could set my filter at, but
>whatever one I chose your photon 2 million light years away will instantly
>be polarized at that angle if my photon makes it through or be polarized
>exactly 90 degrees off if it does not. That's spooky but true.

"Lee Corbin" <>

> Instantly? In whose frame of reference?

For simplicity I was assuming the two detectors were not moving with respect
to each other, but if you want to modify the thought experiment so can I.
Give me a length of time, I don't care how short (well actually I do, it
can't be near the Plank Time), and I can make changes in your detector (but
not communicate) in less time than that just by moving my polarizing filter
closer to my detector.

>If one polarizer is moving relative to the other, then the
>Special Theory kicks in and it's impossible to say "instantly".

That's true, the distance in time is ambiguous, but the distance between two
events in space-time is well defined.

         John K Clark

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