The Grudging Respect Theory (was *Why* is Lee a troll?)

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Fri Sep 20 2002 - 18:56:45 MDT

When thinking about the Left/Right theory, I had to wonder
why, if it were true, that I would be the one singled out?

I received an offline communication some weeks ago which
said "It appeared to me you were deploying typical group
memetic defense measures, somewhat similar to Mike Lorrey's
tactics, but lacking any comparable erudition."

This could be a possibility! While I may argue well,
let us say, I don't reliably come forth with the sort
of indisputably brilliant paragraphs on technical
matters that folks like Robert Bradbury and Mike
Lorrey regularly do.

In this sense, I merely lack a sort of "grudging respect"
that is given to some people that might protect them from
all-out attack. This is not entirely separate from my
"Pretentious/Envy" explanation, because the mechanism could
be very similar. After all, someone could see Mike (for
instance) as a sort of semi-titled, or credentialed, or
renown expert, and not feel that he was so out of place
if he chose to contradict or question them.

If this *does* have any explanatory power, then I'm afraid
that it may have rather little. But the main reason for
this resides... in a post that I just received off-line a
few minutes ago which posits a good theory that should
have occurred to me!

Anyway, these have been just some ideas. I hope that no
one finds them confining.


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