RE: simple note

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Fri Sep 20 2002 - 17:26:08 MDT

Hi Amara,

I hope that we can rebuild our mutual respect by and
by. I know for a fact that you are very intelligent
and kindly, ...and so I know of no reason why not.

I'm sorry to hear about your RSI, and hope you find
a way to avoid most of the pain.

We may continue to disagree about the propriety of
my questions, and I'll resolve not to ask you any.

> My interest on the extropians list is more in
> sharing things I'm learning out of this group,
> and that's all.

I think that you speak for several people, who also
for one reason or another are not interested in
having their views or their (URLs) criticized.
But I have no idea for any solution to this; because
the *main* purpose for many of us *is* to issue
hypotheses and engage in criticism (of the constructive
kind, of course, as anyone familiar with Pan Critical
Rationalism knows---I speak for the benefit of newbies

> You could have answered your own question about
> how Bayesian[s] view quantum mechanics too with
> a five minute search.

Yes, but I didn't know when I wrote that you were
so reluctant to discuss it. Sorry about that.

Also sorry to hear that you're off-list now (I
guess). If you need to reply off-line, then I'll
give you the last word.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Amara Graps
> Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 5:17 AM
> To:
> Subject: simple note
> I don't know what flames or what might be going on in this list, (I
> stopped reading) but in the interest of something.. enlightenment ..
> for lack of better word, a small note.
> I answered Lee Corbin's question about how people respond to his
> conversations. I gave a very short answer that I don't usually read
> his stuff. Eliezer asked why, and I stated why. I cared enough about
> these people and the extropians list in general (and me) to express a
> viewpoint. That says alot, given my own constraints to write to the
> extropians list and that there's a lot of lurkers here. We really
> need diversity of opinions, you know.
> However, it is only an observation and experience from one corner and
> computer (actually many) from one person. It is neither right nor
> wrong and should be taken as information, that is, if it has any value
> for gaining understanding about social interactions. I had and have no
> interest in raking someone over the coals. People who know me, know
> that's not me.
> I have a bad headache these weeks when I read this list, hands feel
> pretty crappy now, and too much to do for my move and I'm leaving
> soon. Take care, folks and please... don't strangle each other. Amara

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