Re: Patriotism and Citizenship

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Wed Sep 18 2002 - 20:43:34 MDT

On Monday, September 16, 2002, at 05:38 PM, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:

> I've played and am quite good at "Half-Life", the game of the year.
> I'm also pretty good at "Mechwarrior", and "Shogun: Total War",
> "StarCraft" and "Red Alert 2", it's been some time.

I was talking about video games a little bit, and am reminded that I've
solved Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear, hostage rescue team type business.
I've solved it on the difficult level, in single-player play. The end
move of the last mission is sniping the bad guy over the fuel rod
baths. It took a lot of replays. Almost each of the missions required
a replay. Damn terrorists kept shooting the hostages. The other
difficult one was the return to the Russian mansion, or maybe it was one
of the other ones. Here are some walkthroughs: , .

I normally don't use cheats, they're available in many games. Sometimes
they are in the multi-player games which is terrible. I play to win,
but hey.

The multi-player games are much more difficult than the single-player
games, often. People are really good at those games. My record in Red
Alert 2 was only like 150-10. I remember when Warcraft was the online
RTS, "real-time" strategy game, on MPlayer, I was only like 60-6.

The F-15 game is fun. I use a joystick with a twist handle for the
rudder. It has two programmable buttons on the base and four on the hat
with an eight-way pad, a hat, on the hat. The four hat buttons are for
pickle, master arm, mode switch, and unguided munitions arm. Joysticks
used to be very expensive. In the FPS games I use arrow keys to move
around and the mouse to point. I'm often left-handed. I wear my watch
on the right hand.

The campaign in the game is a Middle-East campaign, either Iran or
Iraq. The fantasy is being the leader of a squadron of F-15Es. The
missions are not easy. "Whether you like it or not this world is not
too easy." In the campaigns the result in the epilogue is that my
character goes back to shuttling cattle.

I'm good at those games. Some people are better.

Those games put together cost about a couple hundred dollars to own the
disks. I've given them away as possible because they're highly
addictive. For people who enjoy video games, that's quite a thrill for
not much bill. Heh, My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult was a
late-eighties, early nineties glam industrial band, kind of a precursor
to Lords of Acid and White Zombie, but with less techno.

Heh, sixteen times. How many times, eh, eh, how many times? "Sixteen
times." How many? "Sixteen times." How's that again? ".. act
now..." What? "Sixteen times."

I think it'd be funny if the, uh, president, gave the names of his
speechwriters of each speech. I figure some of what he says are his own
words. Back in the good old days people used to make a lot more fun of
the president, I'm looking forward to us getting past the turmoil
keeping us from making funny and even embarrassing jokes about people.

Hey, cheers to Santa Cruz.

Video games have come very far in the last fifteen or twenty years.

Video games are fun, I think it's like how people got over "Dungeons and
Dragons" and "satanic lyrics" in terms of the violence in video games,
although at least in most video games the violence is regular triumph
over evil kind of stuff. There still are questions of if violence and
misogyny in the media afflict passive viewers with insensitivity.


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