Re: *Why* People Won't Discuss Differences Objectively

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Tue Sep 17 2002 - 08:02:53 MDT

>From: "Lee Corbin" <>

>>Brian D Williams wrote:
>> Because there is no such thing as objectivity, especially
>> when it comes to opinions.

>Then how do you account for the fact that you believe
>the way you do, and didn't turn out to be one of the
>people that you are always arguing against? Why didn't
>other people develop a love of country the way that you
>did? Is it because they're a bit depraved, or is it that
>you have "free will" and are capable of making choices
>not correlated or indicated elsewhere in the universe and
>free from the laws of physics? Or did God choose for you?

I have free will, which is not the same thing as objectivity. I
used to hold many opinions that were opposite of what I believe
now. Reasoned argument changed them.

>(In order to ward off attack, I am not trying to put
>words into Brian's mouth, am not setting up straw men,
>don't believe either of the things I suggested---the
>questions are entirely satirical in tone.)

I understand, nicely put.

>I myself think that it could even be genetic; for
>instance, I'm pretty much convinced that my atheism
>is. What if I had been swapped with Peter Fonda at
>birth? Perhaps as Jane went to Hanoi, I'd've gone
>to Saigon!

Saigon Lee? Heaven forbid! (pun intended)


Extropy Institute,
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